
STADLER press release about NEW-MINE project highlights the potential of Enhanced Landfill Mining

STADLER, one of the partners of the ETN NEW-MINE project, launched a press release on July 13, 2020, in which it highlighted the potential of Enhanced Landfill Mining. STADLER played an important role in the first work package, dedicated to mechanical processing. Thanks to the STADLER STT6000 Ballistic Separator, the theoretical research on mechanical processing was put to the test ...

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First NEW-MINE ESRs graduate!

Just over three years in the NEW-MINE project, we are very happy that our first ESRs are now graduating! In February 2020, Patricia Rabelo Monich successfully defended her PhD and can now proudly call herself a doctor in Materials Engineering! Patricia studied under the supervision of prof. Enrico Bernardo of the University of Padova the characteristics of glass-ceramic materials. Patricia ...

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Seventh NEW-MINE network-wide event and closing symposium in Leuven (Belgium; Febr. 2020)

The seventh network-wide event of MSCA ETN NEW-MINE took place on 5, 6 and 7 February 2020 in Leuven (Belgium). On the first day of the NWE, the ESRs received two trainings. Various other PhD-students also attended the training sessions. Both trainings took place in the Park Inn Hotel in Leuven (Belgium): Scientific paper writing skills: “So, you want to ...

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