Summer School 2018: “To mine or not to mine”

A multi-criteria assessment of the landfill mining of municipal and industrial solid waste deposits

PERIOD: 10-12 September 2018
LOCATION: Novotel Leuven (Vuurkruisenlaan 4, 3000 Leuven – Belgium)
ORGANISATION: EU H2020 MSCA-ETNs NEW-MINE & SOCRATES in collaboration with EIT Raw Materials SUMA master programmes; supported by SIM² KU Leuven, EURELCO and the Arenberg Doctoral School.

Dont miss out on this amazing summer school, sept2018


Resource scarcity, climate change and increased pressure on environment and health necessitate the transition from a fossil-based, linear economy to a low-carbon, circular economy. What was considered as waste in the past, becomes a resource for tomorrow. Increasing attention is given to the possibility of mining and/or reprocessing of municipal and industrial solid waste deposits. But is it really feasible to mine these secondary deposits? Do we have the appropriate technology? Is it economically feasible to do this? Does the mining of these deposits indeed contribute to a safer environment and health situation? Does it lead to a new CO2 reductions? And do people want a mining project “in their backyard”?

The summer school aims at offering an integral approach for the assessment of landfill mining projects. The interdisciplinary training programme aims at going beyond technical assessment, offering an approach to determine the value of landfill mining from an economic, environmental, social and policy perspective and to access up-scaling, industrial implementation and commercialization of projects. Two landfill types will be studied, being municipal solid waste landfills (NEW-MINE) & industrial mono-landfills, containing e.g. mine tailings, metallurgical sludges, ferrous and non-ferrous slags and bottom ashes (SOCRATES). The Summer School is open to students & researchers of academia and industry.

During the summer school, lectures will be organised in which participants gain knowledge on the methods of multi-criteria assessment and examples will be given from landfill mining projects. In the practical sessions, group exercises are scheduled in which participants will be able to apply the concepts. Throughout the summer school, attention will also be given to presentation of the research of the participants (poster session) and application of summer school concept to the own research (pitch presentation).

Target group

We invite researchers from academia and industry who want to go beyond the technical aspects of research and who want to discover how a great idea can evolve to an actual product or service in society. Bachelor and Master students, and PhD and postdoctoral researchers who want to broaden their view with an economic, environmental, social, industrial and commercial perspective.


The Summer School starts on Monday 10/09 at 9h00 in Novotel Leuven, 5′ walking distance from the railway station. Courses take place from 9h-12h30 and from 13h30 till 17h00 with a short break in the mornings and afternoon. On Wednesday 12/09, the summer school ends after lunch.

  • Session 1 – 10/9/2018: Multi-criteria assessment of Enhanced Landfill Mining Projects – An interdisciplinary training programme for ELFM projects – Karel Van Acker (KU Leuven), Steven Van Passel (University of Antwerp and Hasselt University) and Niclas Svensson (Linköping University).
    • Poster session: Participants are invited to submit a poster about their research during a formal poster session organised on Monday evening, 10 September 2018. The posters will be on display during the whole duration of the summer school.
  • Session 2 – 11/9/2018: Industrial flowsheeting and thermo-economic assessment. Markus Reuter (HZDR).
    • Summer school dinner: A summer school dinner will be offered on Tuesday 11 September in the city center of Leuven.
  • Session 3 – 11-12/9/2018: From the lab to the market, business development & commercialisation. Christina Meskers (Umicore) & Bo Møller Stensgaard (EIT Raw Materials).


The following registration fees apply:

  • Selected students from SUMA (EIT): 200 euro
  • Invited students from NEW-MINE & SOCRATES ESRs: 200 euro
  • KU Leuven PhD students (Arenberg Doctoral School): 250 euro
  • EURELCO Members: 250 euro
  • Other PhD students and postdocs: 300 euro
  • Non-EURELCO Industrial affiliates: 450 euro

The registration fee includes all lunches and coffee breaks (3 days), a drink during the poster session and a summer school dinner with the speakers on the 2nd day. In case of cancellation of participation before 10/08/2018 the registration fee will be refunded deducting a handling fee of €35 per person. In case of cancellation after 10/08/2018 no refunds of any kind will be made.

Not a researcher from ETN NEW-MINE or ETN SOCRATES? Apply here for the Summer School. Please consider that the total amount of participants is limited to 50 (incl. invited 30 participants from NEWMINE & SOCRATES).


The summer school takes place in Novotel Leuven (Vuurkruisenlaan 4, 3000 Leuven – Belgium), at walking distances (5′) from Leuven bus and railway station. The organizers do not accept responsibility for any personal injury or loss of property which may occur during the summer school. Participants from the European Economic Area are expected to travel with their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC); participants from outside the EEA will be registered at the university (costs are covered). Those persons needing an official invitation letter in order to obtain a visa to attend the summer school may contact us specifying the necessary details. The letter of invitation does not financially obligate the summer school organizers in any way.

Travel and accommodation

Leuven is only 15′ away by train from Brussels Airport. Participants are responsible to organize their own travel and accommodation. We suggest these convenient hotels:

  • Novotel (Summer school venue and 7 minute walk from Leuven Central Station): +3216939001 – 
  • IBIS Budget Hotel (9′ walk from venue/Novotel and 2′ walk from Leuven station): +3216479880 – 
  • Youth hostel ‘De Blauwput‘ (9′ walk from the venue/Novotel and 2’ walk from Leuven station): +3216 63 90 62 – .

More information about Leuven:


The Summer School is organised by the EIT RawMaterials project IMAGINE in collaboration with the EU H2020 MSCA-ETNs NEW-MINE & SOCRATES. Further support is provided by SIM² KU Leuven, EURELCO and the Arenberg Doctoral School. Should you have any further question, please contact the project manager Piet Wostyn.