Science Communications OLD

mockup-frontELFM IV Symposium Book (ed. Jones & Machiels, February 2018): This book offers a total of 50 papers, grouped according to 4 thematic categories: (1) Geophysics, remediation, pre-processing and metal extraction technologies for Enhanced Landfill Mining; (2) Thermal valorisation technologies for Enhanced Landfill Mining; (3) Upcycling technologies for Enhanced Landfill Mining; (4) Multi-criteria assessment for Enhanced Landfill Mining. The wide diversity of participants reflects EURELCO’s “quadruple helix” approach, which is essential to obtain and maintain the “Social License to Operate”, in which ELFM is fully integrated in a wider, system-level transition to a low-carbon, circular economy. Download here.


Peer-reviewed papers by ETN NEW-MINE ESRs

  • I.N. Zaini, W. Yang, P. Jönsson, Steam gasification of solid recovered fuel char derived from landfill waste: A kinetic study, Energy Procedia, 142, 2017, 723-729. Download here.
  • P. Rabelo Monich, A. Rincon Romero, D. Hollen, E. Bernardo, Porous glass-ceramics from alkali activation and sinter-crystallization of mixtures of waste glass and residues from plasma processing of municipal solid waste, Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, 2018, 871-878. Download here.
  • García López, B. Küppers, A. Clausen and T. Pretz, Landfill mining: A case study regarding sampling, processing and characterization of excavated waste from an Austrian landfill, Detritus, 2, 2018, 29-45, DOI 10.31025/2611-4135/2018.13664
  • J.C. Hernández Parrodi, D. Höllen and R. Pomberger, Characterisation of fine fractions from landfill mining: A review of previous investigations, Detritus, 2, 2018, 46-72, DOI 10.31025/2611-4135/2018.13663
  • J.C. Hernández Parrodi, D. Höllen and R. Pomberger, Potential and main technological challenges for material and energy recovery from fine fractions of landfill mining: a critical review, Detritus, 2018, DOI 10.31025/2611-4135/2018.13689

ETN NEW-MINE ESR Conference Papers at ELFM-iv

  • C. Bobe, Exploring the potential of electromagnetic surface measurements for the characterisation of industrial landfills, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018. Download here.
  • C. Garcia Lopez C, A. Clausen, T. Pretz, The potential of the ballistic separator Type STT6000 as a first step for the recovery of RDF from old landfill material: A case study at Mont Saint Guibert Landfill (Belgium). 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018. Download here.
  • J.C. Hernández Parrodi, D. Höllen, R. Pomberger, Fine fractions from landfill mining: Potential and main challenges to overcome, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018. Download here.
  • B. Küppers, A. Muras, D. Höllen, R. Rothschedl, Landfill Mining of a Mixed Municipal Solid Waste and Commercial Waste Landfill: Application of Existing Processing Technology – Opportunities and Limitations. 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018. Download here.
  • I.N. Zaini, W. Yang, P.G. Jönsson, Pyrolysis of Solid Recovered Fuel from landfilled waste: gas and oil product composition, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 213-219. Download here.
  • Y. Gomez Rueda, N. Agon, L. Helsen, Cold plasmas for gaseous pollutant control as a benchmark for their use in tar abatement in syngas, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 221-227. Download here.
  • M. Gigantino, Z.R. Johanovic, A. Steinfeld, Thermochemical heat storage development for 24/7 solar-driven gasification of refuse-derived fuel, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 211-212. Download here.
  • H. Lucas, B. Friedrich, Metallurgical concepts for recycling of bottom ashes from municipal waste incinerators, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 277-284. Download here.
  • G. Flesoura, B. García-Baños, J. Catalá-Civera, J. Vleugels, Y. Pontikes, Dielectric properties measurements of municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash at high temperatures, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 299-304. Download here
  • G. Ascensão, F. Faleschini, M. Marchi, M. Segata, Y. Pontikes, Influence of microstructure on mechanical strength of alkali activated Fe-Si-Ca rich materials, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 285-290. Download here
  • P. Rabelo Monich, D. Höllen, E. Bernardo, Development and characterisation of dense waste-derived glass-ceramics, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 291-298. Download here.
  • A. Rincon Romero, P. Rabelo Monich, E. Bernardo, Recycling of inorganic waste in monolithic and cellular glass-based materials for structural and functional applications, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 255-270. Download here
  • P. Einhäupl, J. Krook, N. Svensson, K. Van Acker, S. Van Passel, Enhanced landfill mining at the REMO site: Assessing stakeholders’ perspectives for implementation, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 367-378. Download here.
  • G. Sauve, K. Van Acker, To mine or not to mine: A review of the effects of waste composition, time and long-term impacts of landfills in the decision making for ELFM, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 379-388. Download here.
  • J.L. Esguerra, N. Svensson, J. Krook, S. Van Passel, K. Van Acker, The economic and environmental performance of a landfill mining project from the viewpoint of an industrial landfill owner, 4th Enhanced Landfill Mining Symposium (ELFM 2018), Mechelen, 2018, 389-396. Download here.

ETN NEW-MINE Conference Papers

  • B. Küppers, R. Pomberger, Entwicklungen in der sensorgestützten Sortiertechnik, Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung. Graz, 2017.
  • C. Garcia Lopez, A. Clausen, T. Pretz, Landfill mining: A case study on sampling, processing and characterization of excavated waste from an Austrian landfill, International Symposium on Waste Management and Landfill Issues. Sardinia, 2017.
  • C. García Lopez, B. Küppers, A. Clausen, T. Pretz, Landfilled Materials Composition at the Landfill Site in Halbenrain (Austria). 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management. Athens, 2017.
  • J.C. Hernández Parrodi, D. Höllen, R. Pomberger, Characterization of fine fractions from Landfill Mining: A review of previous Landfill Mining investigations. International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Sardinia, 2017.
  • B. Küppers, C. García Lopez, D. Höllen, R. Pomberger, A. Clausen, T. Pretz, EU Training Network for Resource Recovery through Enhanced Landfill Mining, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft. Wissenschaftskongress, Aachen (Germany), 2017. Download here.
  • D. Höllen, Landfill Mining als Rohstoffquelle der Zukunft?, Erfahrungsaustausch Deponien, Vienna (Austria), 2017. Download here.

“ELFM Classics” – the most cited ELFM review papers and position papers:

Enhanced Landfill Mining-01


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