Join us at ICHS 2024 Symposium (9-11 Sep 2024, Mechelen)

The full programme for ICHS 2024 (First International Symposium on Circular Hydrometallurgy, Mechelen, Belgium, 9-11 September 2024) is available. Early-bird registration deadline is 15 June 2024.

Full programme:
Register here: (Early-bird registration deadline: 15 June 2024)

Inspired by the position paper "The Twelve Principles of Circular Hydrometallurgy" (i.e. the recipient of the TMS EPD/LMD Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy Best Paper Award), ICHS gives the floor to world-leading academic and industrial hydrometallurgists to provide visionary lectures on what these principles may mean for the future of hydrometallurgy, knowing that, without metals, there is no transition to a climate neutral economy! The event will take place in the majestic LAMOT Congress & Heritage Centre in the historical city of Mechelen, Belgium.

Speaker line-up for ICHS 2024

David Robinson, Kerstin Forsberg, Markus A. Reuter, David Dreisinger, Päivi Kinnunen, Jacques Eksteen, Kathy Sole, Ryan Ravenelle, George P Demopoulos, Mari Lundström, John Monhemius & Anne-Gwénaëlle Guezennec

The Symposium is organised by SOLVOMET R&I Centre in the context of Koen Binnemans' ERC AdG CIRMET project and the Horizon Europe CICERO Project. Furthermore, the Symposium is supported by SIM2 KU Leuven and three other key European projects dealing with (a.o.) circular hydrometallurgy of energy transition metals: Horizon Europe EXCEED & LITHOS, Horizon Europe ENICON.

The Twelve Principles of Circular Hydrometallurgy
👉 Koen Binnemans and Peter Tom Jones, The Twelve Principles of Circular Hydrometallurgy, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 9(1) (2023) 1-25:
👉 Interview about this paper in C2W | Mens & Molecule:
👉 More background on SOLVOMET's work:

Koen Binnemans, Peter Tom Jones, Clio Deferm, Lieven Machiels, Rayco Lommelen, Thomas Abo atia, Viet Tu Nguyen, Elisabeth De Decker, Ionuț-Alexandru Popa, Rabab Nasser, Dzenita Avdibegovic, Meryem Özge Arman, Nand Peeters, Pieter Geysens, Brecht Dewulf, Seyedeh Maryam Sadeghi, Dr. Xiaohua Li, Stijn Raiguel, Levent Kartal, Jean Baptiste HABINSHUTI, Rodolfo Marín Rivera, Tim Balcaen, Jakob Bussé, Almir Olovcic, Alexandra Alexandri, Azadeh Ghannad Asadollahi, Carlos Andres Arias Quintero, Vincent Cool, Femke Derison.

Take advantage of the early-bird fees until June 15th

Register here: