NEW-MINE progresses steadily – 6th Network-wide event organized in Bergamo (Sept. 2019)

The Sixth Network-wide Event of ETN NEW-MINE took place in Bergamo (Italy). From Wednesday September 5 to Friday September 7, the NEW-MINE consortium met in Bergamo to review the results achieved in the last half year. The Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) presented an overview of their individual progress and developed a summary of the main results per workpackage. During the projects’ Technical Steering Committee meeting the progress of the ESRs was discussed and any suggestions for improvement debated. During the Supervisory Board, a full evaluation of the project state of the art was conducted, with special attention to the timely preparation of the project milestones and deliverables. Also, attention was given to the training progress and the dissemination and exploitation.

During this network-wide event, a lot of attention was given to the organisation of the fifth symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining. This symposium will be organised in Leuven on February 6, 2020, exactly two years after the previous symposium. It will further develop the lessons learned from the 2nd seminar on ELFM in the European parliament (Nov. 2018) and from the previous symposium, ELFM-IV (Febr. 2018). The presentations of the ELFM-IV and a short video can be found on . The NEW-MINE project published two policy briefs after each event, summarizing the main conclusions and lessons learned.

Apart from the project consortium meetings, a field visit to Italcementi’s installations was organised and the ESRs received additional trainings on “Cement and concrete technology” and on “Management issues for young professionals and researchers”.