The fifth network-wide event of MSCA ETN NEW-MINE is hosted by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology and takes place from 6 to 8 February 2019 in Stockholm (Sweden). The first day, on Wednesday 6/02, the ESRs will receive a training on statistics and have the time to organise the Researchers Conucil. On Thursday 7/02, the ESRs give an individual presentation on their progress. Finally, on Friday 8/02, the NEW-MINE consortium gathers to review the project’s progress during the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) and Supervisory Board (SB).
On Wednesday morning February 6, all ESRs participate to a training session on statistics. In the afternoon, a workshop by Work Package 1 (WP1) and WP4 is organised. Also, the ESRs organise their researchers council in which they can discuss any remarks or suggestions they would like to the attention of the SB-meeting.
On Thursday February 7, the whole NEW-MINE consortium gathers. The ESRs present individually their results achieved so far, the progress made during the last 6 months and give an outlook to the coming 6 months (15’ per ESR, followed by 10’ Q&A). In the evening, a dinner is offered to all participants.
On Friday February 8, the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) and Supervisory Board (SB) meeting are organised in resp. morning and afternoon. During the TSC, the S/T manager presents a brief overview of the overall progress and introduces the parallel work package meetings. After the break, the WP leaders present a brief overview of the main progress and issues in their WP. The progress of the ESRs is discussed and any suggestions for improvement debated. The TSC takes decisions (by consensus) on S/T matters, with specific attention to the interaction of the WPs. After the TSC, the Supervisory Board meeting takes place and conducts a full evaluation of the project state of the art and cross checks all the project milestones and deliverables. Also, attention is given to the training progress and the dissemination and exploitation.